Mothers Day Dozen Roses
Available between: 28 Mar 2025 - 30 Mar 2025
The Dozen Roses bouquet is a classic and timeless choice. With your choice of red, pink or white twelve stunning roses, this bouquet exudes elegance and romance, making it the perfect gift for Mother's Day. Each bouquet is gift wrapped in our premium hand tied packaging with an aqua pack water supply to keep it fresh until you are ready to put it in a vase. It also comes with a message card for you to personalise, care instructions and flower food.
Pictures shown are recent examples of actual bouquets that were designed by our talented in house florists and later sent out to customers just like you! Please note that we cannot guarantee what the flower varieties will be in each bouquet as it is subject to what is fresh on the day. All products, containers and wrapping are subject to availability. In the event of any supply difficulties, we reserve the right to substitute a product of equivalent value and quality without notice. Please also note, seasonal items like hearts etc are not included out with Mothers Day, Valentines Day or the Festive period.